Year 5 – Week 11 – Day 4

I hate to even write this, but Brendan is sick again. Last night he just started with the super runny nose and dripping trach with lots of coughing. So far only a little oxygen is needed. I hope this is a different, milder virus that will be gone soon and not a relapse of the nasty one from December.

This week I have scheduled no less than 12 doctor and dentist appointments for me and the boys. It is going to be a busy time.

The first one off the list was Trevor at the dentist!

He got a full cleaning and exam and was such an awesome boy about it. He only got slightly upset at the taste of the gritty toothpaste, but that was over fast and he didn’t cry.

I was very proud of him for being so still, quiet, and cooperative, especially since I took Brendan along to watch the whole thing. Brendan’s appointment is next week and it is going to be the antithesis of this appointment.

But this dentist has a playground!


I took the boys to Toys’R’Us for a little reward afterwards. When I took the boys to the car, Brendan was reaching back in the shopping cart and trying to grab Trevor’s bag. A little pushing and noise followed until Trevor looks Brendan right in the eyes and says, “Brendan!! You are pushing my limits!!!”

I almost fell over. Never a dull moment. ๐Ÿ™‚

4 thoughts on “Year 5 – Week 11 – Day 4

  1. โ€œBrendan!! You are pushing my limits!!!โ€ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜‰

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ Guess there’s nothing slow about Trevor’s learning abilities ๐Ÿ˜‰
    And……. looks like “dull moments”, are a thing on the “endangered list” ๐Ÿ˜‰ and limit pushing is the new “phase”,
    and the new learning curve will be, ——
    “how much pushing, will be too much pushing”.

    Trevor, I was, the “younger Brother”, My older Brother, Robert, is no longer with us.
    I miss Him.

  2. I love that pre-schoolers have the vocabulary to finally express themselves and the wit to pick up phrases and apply them correctly! I’m sorry to hear that Brendan is sniffy again. I hope this leaves quick and stays away from everyone else.

  3. Oh no! I hope Brendan’s runny nose is nothing major. Poor little guy has had enough for a long time. Get well soon, Brendan! Gramma sends big hugs!
    Trevor is so funny with the things he comes out with! He does seem to use them in the perfect situations, too. What a great job he did at the dentist! Gramma is so proud of him!
    I am leaving Pittsburgh tomorrow to go home from spending 2 weeks with baby Malcolm and Kieran. I am taking home a Pittsburgh virus with me!
    Lots of love and hugs,
    Gramma xoxoxoxo

  4. Good morning from the East Coast!! Wynne and I had a blast viewing your posts last night!! Wynne is a BMX Bike racer, for real, and loved seeing the boys on their bikes!!! Especially the sea-saw!! Oh no, Brendan is under the weather….magic wand waving frantically for all of you!!! So many people have had a rough time with respiratory illnesses…they are all over the place. ๐Ÿ™ He already had the tough one…this one should pass quickly!!! Hang in there and may all your appointments this week go smoothly!! Love, hugs and prayers!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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