Oct. 20th – Guests at our house!

On we march to the end of October. This will be one of those chaotic weeks. We are beginning the week with Ashley showing signs of getting sick. Cough, drippy nose, but no fever. We’ll see how this plays out…

Tomorrow is pretty normal. On Tuesday, I have a doctor check-up and Ashley has piano lessons. On Wednesday, I have a staff meeting (which means I get home around 6PM), Ashley has karate at 6PM, and Kayla has a band concert at 7PM (she has to be there at 6:30PM). On Thursday, I have conferences at school which means I get home at 9PM. Friday is a half-day for me, but I will be dropping off some donated books at Kayla’s school , helping get her ready for her Halloween dance, then dropping her off at the dance before going to my dance class. That careful precision is kicking in!

Gizmo is here and doing fine. He never even acted weird on the first day. He remembers being here last time, and he is even behaving with breakfast and not standing on our faces at 5AM. He’s so comfortable, he is reverting to his “dat” ways…


He wants to go in his carrier, but it is closed.


His little ear is healing just fine too.

Today, we had another guest. Caleb came and played with Kayla (Ashley kept her distance) while Erin and I worked on a Halloween costume for Caleb. This costume needs no explanation….too cute!

mustard2 mustard1

How is that “bottle” keeping its form around his shoulders, you ask? We cut strips from a pool noodle and sewed them in! I did the same thing on Kayla’s costume. She is going as a dragon with wings, and the noodle acts as the top support for the wings. Those noodles are amazing things. They provide support, but are totally flexible. Caleb was playing cars with that costume on, and he could bend and flex all he liked.  I have also learned that nail polish works great to keep delicate fabrics from unravelling. Kayla painted the edge of her wings with nail polish to keep the metallic fabric from shredding (it was too delicate to hem properly). Erin painted the edge of Caleb’s label with clear polish.  I will post pix of the girls’ Halloween costumes after our trick-or-treating on Sunday.

I will close with a picture of Ashley’s tree in the back yard. It is an Autumn Purple Ash, hence the reason it is her tree. It colored out really nice this year, with different layers. tree

3 thoughts on “Oct. 20th – Guests at our house!

  1. Cute costume! Cute Caleb!
    I love the tree picture, we don’t get the gorgeous fall colors here.
    I hope Ashley is able to get rest and fight off the bug so it doesn’t throw a wrench in your busy schedule and she feels better!

  2. I’m so happy that Gizmo feels “at home” at your house! Also glad to hear that the ear hasn’t been a problem and is healing. Thank you so much for taking such good care of him while I’m away! 🙂
    On to the cuteness…I love the little bottle of mustard you had at your house! Caleb’s costume turned out to be adorable! Great job of making it look so cute! I can’t wait to see Kayla’s and Ashley’s costumes.
    Your tree is beautiful this year. The Cleveland Pear tree will probably be nice, too. I think the weather conditions this year are what is making the trees so pretty.
    Lots of love and hugs and thanks,
    Gramma xxxxx

  3. Good morning from the East Coast!! Thanks for sending the chilly weather our way! Brrrrrr! I can only smile when you refer to your family’s scheduling…good luck with that!! And cramming in time to make Halloween costumes is boggling! Caleb is priceless, what a great idea!! Looking forward to seeing the girls completed outfits! You are coming down to the finish line of this complex week….hoping that everyone has remained healthy and a restful weekend is on tap for all!! Beautiful tree!! Fall is just now in full swing here! Hugs and love!! 🙂

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