Band and Choir concerts

This past Wednesday were the band and choir concerts for the girls. It was a tough night given the way the school scheduled it. Ashley had to be at school at 5:30PM for a 6-7PM concert for 5th & 6th grade music. Kayla had to be at school at 7PM for a 7:30-8:30PM concert for 7th & 8th grade music. As Kayla had homework to do and is generally more methodical with her evening, that meant Kevin and I could not attend both concerts. So he went to choir and brought Ashley home. I stayed with Kayla while she finished homework and ate, then went to band with her. I get that the school, being a large music population, wanted one night to have things set-up. It was just rough on families that have kids at the two levels and who don’t eat dinner at 9PM or 4:30PM.

Regardless, we got videos! We start with the choir concert. Ashley is in there somewhere.

If I Knew You


Monster Mash

Next up is Kayla with the band.

Brandon Bay

All the Pretty Horses (she and 2 other girls have a short clarinet trio!)

Cedar Point March (her least favorite)

We just found out yesterday that both Ashley’s belt test for karate and her piano recital are on the same day at the same time! She will have to choose, and in this instance the belt test takes priority. She has the potential to “color up”, and these belt tests only happen twice per year. It’s sad she has to miss the recital! Maybe we will just have her visit somewhere and play just for fun.

3 thoughts on “Band and Choir concerts

  1. I am always very happy and proud of Kayla and Ashley, and their interest, talent and abilities in music. I love to hear Ashley play the piano and sing, and Kayla play her clarinet (and Gizmo loves it, too!).
    It seems that the schools made the concerts very difficult and confusing this year. It must be frustrating for all of you, but I’m glad you worked it all out. Maybe next year they’ll figure out a better way.
    Lots of love and hugs,
    Gramma xxxx

  2. Good morning from the East Coast!! Ashley and Kayla, it is so great that Mom shares your concerts with us!! Just wish we lived closer so we too can attend your performances!! We know that Mom and Dad are proud of you!! We are too!! 🙂 Kayla, hoping that your search for a high school is going well??!! Your cousin Michael is also looking for the right school!! Ashley…good luck with your belt test in Karate!!! Sending hugs and love!! 🙂

  3. The Band and Choir concerts were excellent ! , I really enjoyed being there ! 🙂 🙂
    If I am to have, only two Granddaughters, I couldn’t have asked for any better.
    Ashley, “color up” 🙂 If there is a place and time for you to perform your recital pieces, I will be there to listen.
    Kayla, you are already a better Clarinetist, than I ever was. I hope you find your “times of performance” as soul satisfying as I did. I still have fond memories of those times.

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