July fun!

It’s been super busy around the Komac house since the Cousinpalooza ended. Here is one quick pic from that event:


We also had a great time at the Museum with the boys. Kayla was involved in a Lego building contest.

Kevin and I did our bike event, the 2016 Tour de Farms in Dekalb. We both biked 75 miles on day 1. It was SOOO hot and extremely windy. If it had been cooler and less windy, I think we both could have done the 100 mile route. On day 2, we only did 35 miles. We were so beat from the day before, and it was a little rainy. We’ll try again next year!

The day before our event, Kayla left on the church mission trip to Mescalero, NM. They spent a week at an Apache reservation, where Kayla got to do a lot of painting and a little bit of deck building. She didn’t take pictures, but the church has a Facebook page with pictures that include Kayla.  Here is the link:Mission Trip

Kayla came home on July 3rd. The next day, she marched with the Woodlands Academy girls in the Lake Bluff 4th of July Parade.

Our adventure that day continued when my car’s battery decided to die in the parking lot. Thanks to a super helpful volunteer fire fighter at the Lake Bluff station, Mom’s speedy phone skills, and the guys at Sears, I had a new battery and made it to the family cookout just in time for food. We made an apple pie cake. Here is the cake before the vanilla buttercream went on it.


To make the week even crazier, we decided to surprise the girls with a 3 day trip. Kevin’s work made him take last week off, so we decided to go to Wisconsin Dells. There is a resort there named Mt. Olympus. Everything at the resort was named after figures in Greek and Roman mythology, and Mt. Olympus is the home of the gods. Both girls are fans of the Percy Jackson books, so getting to go to Mt. Olympus was fairly cool. There was a small coaster park, an outdoor water park, and an indoor water park. We stayed in a little hotel with some cool bunks.


Off to Mt. Olympus!


Taking on the Hades 360 wooden coaster. This thing is huge, sprawls over the whole park, and goes under the parking lot. They said it was super bumpy.

hades2 hades1

They rode a huge motored pendulum called Apollo’s Swing.


They rode another swing ride called The Manticore.


We all rode a bunch of go-karts that went on multiple levels like a giant, old, wooden, bumpy Mario Kart. We went back to our hotel to sleep.


The next morning we went to the water park. Nobody wanted to ride these water slides. Hmmm…


This is the Poseidon’s Rage tide (tsunami) pool. It generates a HUGE wave.


These are various tube rides and things around the water park.

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The girls rode on a Boomerang tube ride where you fly down a tube then up a wall.

They splashed in a regular wave pool.

They rode regular tube rides.

They raced their dad. Physics dictated the winner there.

Kevin had his fortune told by Zoltar. Well, it tried to tel his fortune but then he never got his fortune card!


The girls posed for a picture.


The next morning was check-out. We spent some time in the indoor water park.

water.park7            Right before we left, the girls did need a photo with the King of the Gods, Zeus. girls2

Kids were pretty tired after all of this!

You might notice I am the one taking the photos and not playing in the water park. Stupid biology with incredibly precise timing.

We came back on Friday. Kevin left for a work trip to Toronto on Saturday. Ashley left yesterday morning for her church retreat in Green Lake, WI. Kevin comes home on Thursday, Ashley comes home on Saturday.

One thought on “July fun!

  1. It looks like you managed to cram a whole vacation into 3 days! What a great surprise for the girls. It looked like a really fun water park, too. 🙂
    Your family seems to be coming and going all the time! It’s a busy summer!
    We enjoyed having Ashley here while you were on the bike ride. We missed Kayla this year, but we still had fun celebrating Grampa Dusty’s and Aunt Liilian’s birthdays. 🙂
    Lots of love and hugs,
    Gramma xo

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