Year 6 – Week 9 – Day 6

Merry Christmas!

I have to post the boys’ holiday photos today, they were taken the same day as their birthday pictures so there are not too many! I had to bribe them with an early present to get them to allow me to tie them up in lights.

Today, we took a drive up to Fountain Park in Fountain Hills, AZ. They have a nice playground.

Birds to chase!

And a fountain that shoots water nearly 400 feet in the air every hour on the hour.

The boys just wanted to throw rocks in the water. It is what they do.

We really drove north looking to see some of the snow (without driving in it, the roads in the high country have been dangerous and many closed down)

There were some pesky clouds that wanted to obscure the peaks of Four Peaks. But it was still beautiful.

The boys had a present opening frenzy this morning after we had a wonderful dinner with friends for Christmas Eve. It was a great weekend.