Year 6 – Week 41 – Day 7 – Brendan is Home!!

He did it! He is at home, asleep in his own bed.

Although to me it seems like it was this morning, it was yesterday that everyone came to drop me off for the last “shift” with Brendan. He was improved, and they were giving him free time off the monitors to move around and visit.

We brought him a Niffler for in his suitcase

He had fidget spinner wars with Trevor. They giggled like crazies.

Trevor drew him a “get-well” puffer fish

In the middle of the night, Brendan says “Mommy, I have to go potty!” But when I get up to help him, this is what I find.

This morning, he had to have yet another echo before he got to leave. He did such a good job for this one that they gave him a Lego set!

Dressings are all off, PICC line removed. His chest is a mess of wounds and tape damage. Because of the half circle of chest tube holes. Trevor said Brendan can convince people that he was bitten by a shark.

For the first time in 12 days, he gets to wear clothes!


In the car

Of course, we have to go back again on Friday for another chest x-ray and a check up on the incisions. But for now, it is good to have everyone home in bed tonight.

After waiting for hours to be discharged, I made it home just in time to go to ‘Meet the Teacher” night at the school. Trevor will be starting on Wednesday. Brendan can not start until he is cleared by the doctors. I met both teachers, they will be in separate classes.

We are sad to have to take Gramma back to the airport in the morning. 🙁 Her help is invaluable. I am so glad she got to see Brendan come home. The boys were so silly and lovable. A few hours after we drop her off, we will be making a pickup.

By the time most people are reading this, it will be August 8th – Bill’s 50th birthday.
It has taken a backseat to all of the recent medical events. Bill is a very dedicated Dad and we appreciate him very much. We will have to have a make-up birthday celebration when things calm down. Happy Birthday, Bill! I love you very much!