I had to make sure that I did the important update. Brendan is home!
On the last day in the hospital, he proved that he can still take a bath in the wash basins. (He wasn’t allowed to shower and get his PICC line dressing wet)
As soon as he got home, he requested a bowl of macaroni and cheese. The hospital food is actually pretty good. Brendan ordered lots of salad, BLT sandwiches, and chicken legs. He said their Mac was gross and plasticky.
He had a solid night and a restful day. He is going to go back to school tomorrow! He is going to stay on antibiotics for a while to make sure he does not get reinfected while he heals. He is just so glad to not have any IVs and to sleep in his own bed. (He says also to be able to go potty without someone having to ‘weigh’ his pee)