August 10th – Heading to AZ!

Today’s the day! We will start our day in cool Illinois, and finish in fairly warm AZ. We are super excited! But before we go, let’s wrap up the summer here.

This past Sunday, we made our last trip to the waterpark, and took Kevin with us. It was not crowded at all – probably because it was barely 70 degrees! We only stayed a couple of hours before blue lips and fingers set in. We then tried to go ride some coasters, but Sunday afternoons on a 70 degree sunny day = 2 hour waits for everything. So we just came home. It was fun while it lasted! The girls took great delight on getting Daddy VERY wet (and the water was pretty chilly).




On Thursday, the girls got a present too – their new carpet finally arrived! Here are some shots of the rooms “in progress”.

kaylaroom1 ashleyroom1a

And here they are all put back together!

kaylaroom2 ashleyroom2a

Of course, by “put together”, I mean the carpet is done and the furniture is back in =). As you can see, the girls have some organizing still to do!

While the carpet was busy being installed, the girls were playing with Caleb at Mom’s house.


Guess he was camera shy or too tired! The girls stayed at Mom’s house last weekend too, and there are some great pix of the cousins!

Eating lunch…


With the other “kid”….


Playing marbles….


Time with Great-Grandma….


After all that hard work, one must not forget to stretch!


Last night, we had an extra guest. Ashley’s best friend stayed the night, which might seem like a strange choice the night before we leave. On Tuesday, Ashley found out that her best friend had to move, what seemed like very suddenly, to a new house about 3.5 hours away from here. Her dad got a new job that was too good to pass up, but he could have lost a lot of money that he had rightfully earned if his current employer knew he was planning to leave. Because so many of their friends knew people he worked with, they had to keep the move a secret until he finished his current job. Ashley was devastated, because she did not get a chance to say “see you soon” or anything. But, another kind of sad event has made it possible for the two girls to spend one more day together. This morning, there is a bench dedication and memorial event planned in the park for Kayla’s friend Alex. Ashley’s best friend’s family are good friends of Alex’s family, and wanted to attend the event. They also needed to clean out the house here because it is being rented. So, Ashley’s friend came over last night so her parents could clean. We will “return”
 her when we walk over to the event this morning. We are already talking about ways to get the girls together in the future, like meeting halfway to spend time together or arrange weekend visits.

Today will be quite the day! The little girls are playing downstairs and will have breakfast soon. Kayla is awake but not ready to eat yet. We will get all dressed and finalize packing by 10AM, then walk to the playground for the event. Then back to home to make a quick lunch for the car, then off to Milwaukee airport! Our flight leaves at 3PM, and we will land in AZ at 4:40PM their time. Thankfully, Trevor has been working very hard to get “Gramma’s house” ready for us to borrow. He is picking us up too. What a busy boy!

Next post should have some new cousins pictures to share!

2 thoughts on “August 10th – Heading to AZ!

  1. Good Morning from the Lake house!! Whew!! I was exhausted just reading your blog!! Soo much going on!! I was surprised to see your post, knowing how busy you were before the AZ trip!! Hugs to Ashley, am sure she will miss her friend, but am sure you will find a way to meet up! Hugs to all for the special dedication for Alex. What a special tribute for him!! The girls’ rooms look great!! All set for their new school year…guessing when you return from AZ, that summer will soon be over??!! Safe return from AZ!!! Hugs and love to all!! 🙂

  2. Yikes, I didn’t know there was a new blog! Like Aunt Letty, I didn’t think you would have time before you left, and that I would see a new blog upon your return!
    It was great fun having Kayla and Ashley and Caleb here with me those days! He loved having the girls to play with. He was crashed out cold on the couch! He had too much fun! 🙂
    I would have wished you a safe trip filled with lots of fun, but now you are home safe and sound, and Tiffanie’s blog shows how much fun you were having! Can’t wait to see more pictures here.
    Lots of love and hugs,
    Gramma xxxx

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