Baby Showers, Barbies, and Cousin, Oh My!

We had a baby shower today for Aunt Erin. We put out a nice little sandwich spread, with the family favorites included: deviled eggs, chips + onion dip (the good stuff), Fritos scoops, and Mom’s party punch. I baked 2 cakes that are supposed to be the Portillo’s chocolate cake recipe. Our cousin Lindsay came, as did her cousin Katie with her new baby and Lindsay’s Aunt Jeanette. Here are some pix from the party for those we wish could have come!

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Erin got the Very Hungry Caterpillar blanket. Caleb recognized it right away! It was really cute.babyshower2

Is it a boy or a girl? The girl cake was eaten first. The boy cake was chopped up and sent home as leftovers with everyone still there at the time.babyshower1

I also got a couple of cute pix of Caleb. He got a special puzzle book from Gramma, where the puzzle pieces are shaped like little tools. He did a happy dance when he got to open his present. Then he measured my wall. He also played some music.

cousin1 cousin2

Now that the party is done, Ashley had her Barbie fashion show to model the awesome outfits that she got from Aunt Tiffanie. Here are the pix from that “photo shoot”.

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Barbie is stylin’!

Tomorrow is a BIG day! It’s the annual CDW buy-out of Great America day, where only employees and their dependents can be in the park. There is a picnic lunch provided too. Of course, this is what it will be like tomorrow….


That 20mph east wind will be coming right off of Lake Michigan, so it will likely feel like the upper 40’s. But the lines will be short, even for the big coasters, and Ashley measures 54 inches EXACTLY! That’s the minimum height for her to ride ALL of the big coasters. So, we will bundle up, bring our hats and gloves and ski masks, and go to the park. We have season passes, but being a buy-out day means Ashley won’t have to wait to ride hardly anything. The new coaster doesn’t open for another month, and the chilly weather might keep a few people away too. Kayla has already decided which coasters Ashley will ride with her, and which ones she can ride with Daddy. I will watch, hold hats, and try to stay warm. A nice hot shower will be my friend when we get home!

3 thoughts on “Baby Showers, Barbies, and Cousin, Oh My!

  1. Good morning from the East Coast!! Thank you heather for the heads up re: your post!! How sweet of you top host Erin’s shower!!! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time….I too was at a shower and saw old friends (literally, ha)!! Seems that Barbie had a difficult time deciding which outfit to wear!! OK, next question, did Tiffanie make the outfits?? They are quite lovely!!! Caleb is sooo photogenic, cute pictures. The hungry caterpillar is beautiful!!! Hoping today at the park will be surprisingly warmer than expected! However, it hasn’t warmed up here either….should we be above 60, the wind is 20+ miles or more, and we are just too close to the shore and the Atlantic keeps it chilly!! Enjoy your fun weekend!! Ashley…enjoy the big rides, you are in good hands with Kayla!! Lots of hugs and love!!! 🙂

  2. The shower turned out well, even though we were missing a few people. I think Caleb had more fun than anyone! He wore his “Big Brother” t-shirt, played with his cousins, had punch and cake…he was tired by the end!
    I have a lot more pictures to send out when I get them onto my computer.
    I was in AZ when Tiffanie was creating Barbie’s outfits. They are amazing! Ashley’s Barbies will definitely be very stylish. 🙂
    Lots of love and hugs,
    Gramma xxxx

  3. Heather, you made another amazing blanket! I really like that one! I wish I could teleport and be there for special events like this. It makes the distance seem greater.
    Thank you for the fashion show, I did not get a chance to take pictures of the outfits before I sent them home with Gramma. I am glad Ashley likes them. I wanted to make more! They were fun to create, I just wish I had the time to do it.

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