Birthday season upon us!

Kayla had her birthday, so she is now 14. Yikes. She had some cake and showed her true teen self!

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We had manicotti for dinner, and of course that means pulling out the shakey cheese! Caleb was so excited! (Sorry about the angle, I turned the camera and so the video is sideways!)

We are sending all of our love and prayers to our East Coast family.

4 thoughts on “Birthday season upon us!

  1. Happy Birthday again, Kayla! It was a very good dinner, celebrating your Confirmation and birthday all at once. 🙂 I can’t believe you’re 14!! You’re a beautiful young lady, inside and out. xx

    Kayla, Ashley, and I had a wonderful whirlwind trip to Pittsburgh, and I enjoyed the special time I got to spend with “my girls”.

    Lots of love and big hugs,
    Gramma xoxo

  2. 🙂 🙂 🙂 And…….on the 13th of this month Ashley completes Her 11th circumnavigation of the Sun, and begins Her 12th.
    Aunt Letty’s Granddaughter, Wynne Grace, turns 7 on the 18th.

  3. Good morning from the East Coast!! Just love this blog!! Cannot believe that Kayla is 14 and Ashley’s Birthday is just around the corner!! Very cute video of Caleb!! Love hugs and kisses for everyone!! 🙂

  4. We hope both girls had very happy birthdays! So glad we got to see them and celebrate together, even if it wasn’t actually ON their birthdays.

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