April 27th – Timing is everything

So……tomorrow is the CDW buy-out day at Great America. The park does not open until May 4th, but CDW buys out the park on the last Sunday before opening. Only CDW employees and their registered dependents get tickets. That means the lines are a lot shorter, even for the good rides. It’s supposed to be mid 60’s and sunny tomorrow – perfect park weather! And because CDW buys the tickets (and includes a lunch in the picnic grove area at no extra charge), we might be able to get season passes for the $35 upgrade fee rather than a usual $65 pass rate. So of course, we have been planning on this for months!

And……..that’s why it makes perfect sense that Kayla came home from a slumber party this morning with a 101 degree fever! Looks like a virus, so we will still go tomorrow if only to get the passes purchased. It just means that we will drive separately, get our passes, and as soon as Kayla can’t take any more I will bring her home. With a good night’s sleep and plenty of meds, she might be OK. We are more worried that she will miss the special band practice on Monday night. Missing that practice could mean she would not be allowed to participate in Honors Band next Saturday. I am hoping it will run its course in the next 24 hours. Viruses usually do with her. She just woke up from a 1.5 hour nap. Still has a slightly sore throat and looks pretty glassy. Fever down to 99.5 with Tylenol running out in the next 2 hours.

I will have a much bigger post soon – Six Flags pix of at least Kevin and Ashley!

4 thoughts on “April 27th – Timing is everything

  1. Oh no, Kayla!! Get better quick!! All the stuff going around this season has been rough. I miss Great America, I wish I could go with you!
    I know you will feel better for practice, just sleep sleep sleep, drink lots of water, and you will be good in time.
    Super hugs from the west!

  2. Kayla,
    I don’t know if I have any “favors” due me, but I’ll ask none the less, for a quick recovery,……..and a Great band practice.
    Love, and healing wishes….

  3. Good evening from the East Coast!! Oh boy Kayla, hurry up and get well!! It is never any fun feeling feverish and icky! Well your Cousin Mikey knows feeling icky…he can sympathize…while sliding into home plate Saturday (he did score), he broke his arm!! He feels icky too!! Hoping by the time you read this post that you are well on the road to recovery and have enjoyed a great day at Great America!! We have Great Adventure, just about 10 minutes away! It too is a fun theme park!! I think that they may belong to the same franchise?!! Once again Kayla, feel better! Sending love and hugs to the whole family!!! 🙂

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