Kayla and her graduation dance

Tonight is Kayla’s graduation dance! The girls don’t have school tomorrow for a teacher in-service, so tonight was the night for the 8th grade to celebrate before they graduate next week. We got Kayla all dressed up and sent her off. It’s not often you see Kayla in a dress…she picked this one out, she picked out the necklace, and the shoes. Comfort but pretty. Mom touched up the blue hair, and here we are!

kayla1 kayla2 ??????????????????????????????? kayla4 ???????????????????????????????

She is getting so big!

3 thoughts on “Kayla and her graduation dance

  1. Beautiful Kayla! 🙂
    I hope you had a wonderful time at your dance. I, too, can’t believe you are graduating and will be in high school! Where did the time go?
    I’m very proud of you and all of your accomplishments, but most of all, I am proud of you and cherish you, just because you are my granddaughter and I love you very much! 🙂
    Lots of love and big hugs!
    Gramma xo

  2. My brain is getting old and slow, 😉 now I understand the “blue hair”.
    Kayla, hope your Graduation Dance was all you hoped it would be, and all the fun it could be. I enjoyed your company at the Choral concert.
    🙂 🙂 When school starts up again…….”High School Freshman” 😮 😮 🙂 🙂 !!!
    Enjoy the High School Years.

  3. Good morning from the East Coast!! Wow Kayla!!!! You are beautiful!!! 🙂 Hoping that your dance was as special as you are!! Graduation is almost here….how wonderful!!! Bet you have “butterflies in your tummy”!!! Graduation is so exciting and then you realize, you will be moving on to something new….a little scary… but it will be a wonderful step in this journey of life!! So proud of you Kayla!!! Ashley, I think I heard you singing!!! Well, I thought I did….you have such a beautiful voice!!! Sure would like to hear it in person….maybe that will happen soon??!!!! Lots of love and hugs!!! 🙂

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