Happy Birthday Aunt Tiffanie + Graduation Day!

We start with a super Happy 40th Birthday to Aunt Tiffanie!

It is also graduation day for Kayla! Because of the size of the 8th grade class, only a few people were able to actually attend the ceremony. I have some pictures and a few video excerpts from the event. Trust me – this might be the better way to go because it didn’t mean sitting on those bleachers for 1.5 hours!  We begin with photos.

This is Kayla, in her cap and gown at home.

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We then drove to the park so that she could have some pictures with her friend Danielle at the site of the tree and bench in honor of their friend Alex, who would have graduated this evening.

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On to the ceremony! The 7th grade band played good old “Pomp and Circumstance”.

After a few speeches and a song or two, it finally was time to get that diploma.

And now they all leave. I like the recessional music MUCH better!

A quick picture with the official grad and we came home to sleep.


This will be a busy weekend for sure, but one thing is done. Kayla has been a student of Big Hollow for 9 years. She is all done now.

2 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Aunt Tiffanie + Graduation Day!

  1. Happy Birthday, Tiffanie! I can’t believe I now have 2 daughters in their 40’s! Yikes! I’m so happy you came home today. 🙂
    CONGRATULATIONS, Kayla! I am so proud of you! On to high school with new friends, new adventures, and new accomplishments. What an exciting time in your life!
    I wish you joy and happiness as you enter a new phase of your life, but most of all, I wish you love. From the first moment I held you in my arms, my heart was filled with indescribable love for you. That will never change.
    I love you,
    Gramma xoxoxoxo

  2. Good afternoon from the East Coast!! Congratulations Kayla!!! What a wonderful accomplishment!! Enjoy your journey in to high school!! Your four years there will pass more quickly than you can imagine!! Embrace and enjoy your high school years !!! It was wonderful visiting with you and your family this past weekend!! Have a blast in AZ!!!! Hugs and love!! 🙂

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