the great escape 2014 by Kayla

I’m sorry that there are few pictures. I forgot I had a camera until the last day.
From the 7th to the 12th I was on one of the best trips ever, the great escape! On Monday the 7th the bus of campers left at 1:00 but didn’t arrive until 4:30 because of some detours. After everyone arrived and unloaded all our stuff it was time to have a little fun by the lake. Me and one of my friends built a sand volcano that collapsed when we tried to make it erupted. That evening we had the first worship, and afterward we got assigned to our teams. My team was the super duper silly sea monkeys, but someone made a mistake so it said supper duper instead. Our team cheer went ” What’s for supper? Sea monkeys!” Some of the other team names were I didn’t do it on porpoise, salmon, and shark bait ooh ha ha.
On Tuesday it was our first recreation time, and my team had Field X. At Field X there’s a giant slip and slide, the mud pit, and relay races. In the afternoon I participated in the chess tournament and got 4th place.
On Wednesday I was down at lake rec. i got super wet at all the games. I played toilet hockey where you crawl on your hands and knees and hit the puck with toilet brushes, I attempted principal hammerhead where you do an obstacle course while teammates try to dump water in a bucket on your head, and also took part in captain ball, which is sort of like catch combined with soccer.
On Thursday was the final day of rec, and it was my favorite, Field Rec! There was dodge ball, the belly bumpers, which are inflatable doughnuts with handles on them, and my favorite, human foosball! After all the games there was snow cones for every one.
On Friday there was the shaving cream war! I got a friend of mine covered because I ran up, smeared shaving cream all down his front and back, then ran away. That afternoon I went to a shop called world wide gifts, hoping that they might have some cool Chinese dragon stuff. The shop didn’t, but I got a little dragon from Mexico. that night was the final party. some of the songs that almost everybody danced to were let it go, cupid shuffle, and Y.M.C.A.
Saturday was the day all the campers left. It took forever to get home, but I slept most of the way.


Here’s my breakfast before the shaving cream fight.



Me after the fight.( and after I had stepped in the hose that lead to the arctic ocean)


My dragon from the shop. It’s supposed to be a bat, but it looks like a dragon.

I look forward to the great escape next year, the theme is supposed to be viral.