Solo & Ensemble Weekend

This past weekend was Solo & Ensemble Festival. This is an event where students can perform a piece for a judge, get feedback from that judge, and earn a medal for participating. All students earn at least a bronze medal (III), but can earn silver (II) or gold (I) for performances that meet the judging criteria. This was Kayla’s 5th and final year participating. She has 4 gold medals from her previous events, and so hoped to close out her run with a 5th gold. She had a song called “Donkey Ride”, which had 16th note runs and grace notes scattered. She had a little bobble, but all around it sounded good!

And her result…


Yep, that’s a 5th gold medal for Kayla!

While this was Kayla’s final event, it was also Ashley’s first event. She was the only 5th grade pianist performing, mostly because middle schools around here are usually 6th-8th not 5th-8th like Big Hollow. That and many 5th graders have not been playing long enough to want to face a judge! Ashley did not want anyone in the room with her, so I have video of her playing the song here at home. The judge have her a short mini-lesson with feedback. She played a version of “Swan Lake”. (And at the end you will know that Kevin tested into Gryffindor!).

And her result…


Also a gold medal for Ashley! Prior to this medal, Ashley had talked about maybe quitting lessons. Now, she is talking about wanting a more challenging version of Fur Elise for next year’s event!

And now a few random pics from a week or two ago. I had a little fun with the pancakes I made, making sure everyone knew whose pancakes belonged to who!


