Feb. 3rd, 2013: Getting taller!

We stopped by to see Gramma, Grampa, and Great-Grandma after church today. Kevin and Kayla both needed haircuts pretty bad. So before Kayla’s hair got all wet, we ran next door for a picture with Great-Grandma! We think Kayla is winning, with Ashley coming up fast. After the haircut, we took a picture with Gramma, Grampa, and Gizmo. That way, you can all see how Kayla and Ashley compare to them height-wise. They will both be taller than me (5’2″)!

Great-Grandma and the girls.
Great-Grandma and the girls.

familyAfter haircuts, we headed home to watch the Puppy Bowl! Who needs some goofy football game when you can watch puppies fight over toys and get referee calls for things like “excessive cuteness”? The hedgehog cheerleaders were awesome!  The girls also practiced their instruments. I am including some videos. For Kayla’s second video, I turned the camera. It looked fine on my screen, but recorded sideways. As I am a complete video novice with no software, I couldn’t get the darn thing to rotate. But since the video is just so you can hear how she is playing, it’s not a big deal.

This video is Ashley as she is playing “Over the Rainbow” now. This is her challenge piece, so she is only playing some sections with both hands right now. She wants to play this at her spring recital.

This is Ashley playing one of her favorites, “Fur Elise”.

This is Kayla playing “Fawkes the Phoenix” from her Harry Potter book (thank you Aunt Schna!)

This is the rotated Kayla playing a very recognizable piece from the Harry Potter book.

And for those who would like an encore, this is Ashley at her winter recital playing “To the Stars” from the movie Dragonheart.