April 1st – Happy April Fool’s Day!

Ah, April Fools. Those who know me get that I am not into the whole prank thing. It always seems so mean spririted to do things like unscrew salt shaker tops or replace your sugar with salt. But to have a little fun with the day, do something that makes things different, now that I can do! So the girls started their day with a hamburger, fries, ketchup, and a milkshake.



Guess what they really ate? The hamburger is just 3 small pancakes, one with cocoa powder added to make it brown. The fries are little strips of pancakes dyed yellow and piped through a baggie. The ketchup was a little bit of pureed frozen raspberries that I strained to remove the seeds. And the milkshakes were their usual instant breakfast mix (regular for Ashley, with mint extract and vanilla syrup in Kayla’s to taste like an Andes candy).

Following breakfast, Ashley had a playdate with her best friend. Her mom mentioned that they were going to the RecPlex in Kenosha, which has a teeny indoor waterpark. She invited us to meet them there. So we did! We ate an early lunch and headed across the cheddar curtain for some water fun. It was not a good place for pix or video, so I only have one picture I can post.


That water slide is the only one. The kids had a great time. I took this picture during a mandatory “time out” for everyone. Apparently, someone spotted a “floatie” in the water, and so the water was closed for 45 minutes while it was fished out and the system cleaned. My girls ate dinner so fast and are now relaxing before bed. A nice way to end spring break!

Back to school tomorrow for all!